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You must be well aware of all the milestones of executing a successful Pre Engineered Building before you decide on anything. Go through each one to avoid errors & losses.

1. The Land


The first and foremost thing is to select an ideal land for your Pre Engineered Building. The location of the land must be strategically selected that must be close to the Raw material or marketplace relevant to your industry. The level of the land should be checked, it should not be vis-a-vis to road level for should not form a valley with the surrounding area as this will increase the cost of filling the land.

Check the soil strata should be decent for example Hard Rocky strata will add to the civil cost. Check prevalent Groundwater levels in the area for example if the groundwater level is high open pit foundation is not possible. Also, check the seismic zone and the wind pressure of that particular area.


The location of the land must be well connected to the road network and the timeline of big vehicle movements from the local authorities must be checked.

2. The Layout

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The layout of the land should be made after consultation with an expert and the following points must be considered:-

  1. Vehicle movement inside the premises must be factored in the layout plan right at the inception stage.

  2. Parking and other utilities like generator, weighbridge, etc must be provided for in the layout even if they are to be procured subsequently.

3. The drainage system of the land must be planned by an expert. This should include rainwater harvesting as well as sewerage drains, keeping in mind the road level.

3. The Building

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There are various factors involved in defining an ideal PEB building from its foundation, size, and width of the spans to the machine layout and the load calculations. All of these factors are important and ignoring any of them may result in damage in the future. So it is important to understand and keep a check on each one. 

  • It is very important to identify the wind corridor of the proposed PEB structure. In addition to this, the existing structures in the surrounding area or the likelihood of a structure coming up in the vicinity of the proposed PEB structure should also be communicated to the designer.

 This effects the wind factor taken at the time of designing. This may alter the overall cost of the building.

  • Size of the building matters for the optimization of the cost of the structure. E.g. The optimized size for a clear-span building should have a width between 18 - 24 meters and a length in multiples of 7.5 meters. The height is normally 6 meters with a brick wall of 3 meters.

  • If the width goes above 30 meters, we should opt for Multi-span buildings in order to achieve cost optimization. (Consumption of steel per sq feet)

  • Machine layout should be done before finalizing the dimensions of your  Pre Engineered Building. This is to ensure that you do not cut corners in machine layout resulting in incremental time and motion parameters vis a vis material movement, manpower productivity, and threshold performance.

  • Load (Live load, Dead load, Collateral Load) must be envisaged at the design stage itself to ensure that the designed structure will support the future requirements as and when they arise.

  •  Air Changes per hour as per the need of the process inside the structure must be factored and provided for by the designer. This can be done in the form of ventilators and louvers.

  • The heat generated, if any, or heat regulation, if any, must be catered for at the design stage itself by using insulations (Bubble, Rockwool, or Glasswool) suitably. 


  • Light requirements in terms of lumens must be explained to the designer so that an effective combination of skylight and wall light can be incorporated by the use of polycarbonate sheets.


  • The user must be able to specify the number of openings in the building in terms of doors, windows, shutters and canopy. In absence of this, piecemeal alterations to the PEB structure not only hamper the strength of the building but also do not allow a waterproof alteration to be done.


  • Approach pathway vide staircase must be defined at the time of designing itself. Workmen going up for maintenance must have a path to reach the top for easy access.


  • If the PEB is going to expand in the future, the expandable need of the building must be specified to the designer.


  • The GA (General Assembly) drawing of your PEB structure must be understood by the user (and not only by the structural engineer) as this is the last point where any change can be incorporated; failing which the flaw will be there in the final structure.

4. Civil Foundation

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The foundation of any structure is perhaps the most crucial and important part. To ensure your PEB structure is strong, stable, and durable it is necessary to keep the following points in mind before the commencing work.

  • PEB design should necessarily precede the civil foundation design. It is advisable that your PEB vendor is not forced to retrofit the PEB structure into an existing civil foundation. This will increase your cost of PEB as well as civil!

  • SBC (Soil Bearing Capacity) of the soil must be checked before proceeding with the civil design.

  • Layout foundation marking should be done using a Total Station so that an accuracy of mm must be achieved for foundation bolts.

  • The civil structure must be in consonance with the water drainage system designed at the beginning of the whole process.

  •  Cross Checking of the center line as per PEB vendor’s GA drawing (anchor bolt plan).

  • Cross-checking of anchor bolt position must be necessarily done by the PEB vendor, failing which there is a chance of dispute between Civil and PEB vendor and a sure shot way of mismatch leading to a weak PEB structure or delay in the final delivery of the erected PEB structure.

  • Land leveling inside the plinth must ensure free movement of Hydra for erection, failing which the cost of erection and time period for completion increases.

5. Erection

  • The GA drawing must be translated into a GANTT Chart for common reference by the customer, designer, fabricator, and erector.

  • Material inspection before despatch from the production unit is desirable. (Ask for a checklist of what all needs to be checked)

  • The transporter must have the Shippers list of the contents of the vehicle, duly authorized by the PEB manufacturer.

  • The customer should provide for a proper place to offload the load of the transporter and stack the same as per sequence of erection. If this is not done, goods are offloaded haphazardly leading to time delays in erection and damage of goods.

  • An erection must happen as per design without cutting corners.

  • The GA drawing must be translated into a GANTT Chart for common reference by the customer, designer, fabricator, and erector.

  • Material inspection before dispatch from the production unit is desirable. (Ask for a checklist of what all needs to be checked)

  • The transporter must have the Shipper's list of the contents of the vehicle, duly authorized by the PEB manufacturer.

  • The customer should provide for a proper place to offload the load of the transporter and stack the same as per sequence of erection. If this is not done, goods are offloaded haphazardly leading to time delays in erection and damage of goods.

  • An erection must happen as per design without cutting corners.

6. Certification

  • A work completion certificate must be given by the customer to the PEB vendor, failing which small jobs required during completion remain unfinished for life.

  • The PEB owner must request for a structural stability certificate of the building from the PEB vendor.

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